PhD-course May 31 and June 1, Stockholm University: Framing Analysis

In May/June this year Robert M. Entman will visit the Department of Media Studies at Stockholm University as a Bonnier professor. Entman is J.B and M.C Shapiro Professor of Media and Public Affairs and Professor of International Affairs at the George Washington University. He is internationally known for his seminal works on framing theory and framing analysis.

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doctoral study opportunities, Örebro University

Ref: ORU 2.2.1-00118/2017

Örebro University is a modern and prominent broad-based university with the courage to review and the ability to evolve. Our professional degree programmes are among the best in the country and we endeavour to be an attractive place of work where members of staff feel a sense of pride and satisfaction. 1,300 employees, 400 doctoral students and 15,000 students come to work and study at Örebro University.

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Stipendier för journalister som bedriver vetenskaplig forskning inom områdena journalistik och medier

Forskning i journalistik – vid högskola eller universitet
Stipendier för journalister som bedriver vetenskaplig forskning inom områdena   journalistik  och   medier. Stipendierna avser enbart forskningsarbete i anslutning till doktorsavhandling eller inom fyra år efter slutförd doktorsexamen. Ansökan lämnas senast 9 januari 2017.  Läs mer .

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