CFP: CONSUMING THE ENVIRONMENT: environmental communication and stories about the future

CALL FOR ABSTRACT – environmental communication conference and workshop

26-27 November 2015

University of Gävle, Sweden

CONSUMING  THE ENVIRONMENT: environmental communication and stories about the future

Environmental degradation and climate change are global concerns that are easy to neglect as myths or exaggerated threat. In that context media, new and old, play a crucial and central role.

Communication and environmental issues in the broad sense is a vast area of research. It involves research in a range of academic disciplines but also in industry and government as well as among other actors. CONSUMING THE ENVIRONMENT is a humanistic research approach seeking local and regional partners with innovative knowledge interests.

The basic research question in this project is how our perceptions of the environment and pollution is created and re-created. How is a global problem experienced locally and what can we as individuals do? How can imprisoned mindsets dissolve? What new stories need to be told.

The call is addressed to researchers in the first place, but also to those who want to contribute to knowledge about environmental issues, preferably locally and regionally. Contributions may be made up of:

Full length paper (4000-6000 words)

Research results (reports 10-20 pp)

Posters (set out and presented continuously)

Memoranda (discussion paper in workshops <10 pp

The abstract submission (more information to follow) should include the theme to which you want to connect. See below. Deadline abstract, max 400 words: 10 June 2015.  Abstract acceptance notification by e-mail: 18 June 2015.

Submission and registration details available on conference website.

Programme to follow.

Conference committee:

Dr Eva Åsén Ekstrand, (Media and Communication Studies, Department of Humanities, University of Gävle)

Prof Ruth Teer-Tomaselli, (The Centre for Communication, Media and Society, The University of KwaZulu-Natal)

Dr Lauren Dyll–Myklebust,  (The Centre for Communication, Media and Society, The University of KwaZulu-Natal)