webinar “Communication and COP21 – continuity or change?” on Dec 17 2015

Dear All

The ECREA Science and Environment Section would like to invite you to the webinar “Communication and COP21 – continuity or change?” on Dec 17 2015. Please see invitation below for more information.

Best regards

Annika Egan Sjölander (chair) and Pieter Maeseele (vice-chair)

On behalf of the ECREA SEC Management Team


Communication and COP21 – continuity or change?

A roundtable webinar about ongoing research and perspectives on climate change and the Paris-meeting

The ECREA Science and Environment Section would like to invite you to a webinar being held in close connection to the ongoing COP21-meeting in Paris. The purpose of the webinar, that will have the form of a roundtable discussion with a number of short presentations by researchers, is to give communication scholars an opportunity to present ongoing research relating to climate change communication and COP21 in particular. Can we see that this summit is contributing to change, or is it more a story of continuation regarding the politics and communication about climate change?

The webinar is planned to take place on Thursday the 17 December 2015 at 13.00 to 15.00 (Central European Time = UTC +1) and is free of charge and open to all. In order to participate you need to register beforehand (name and email) using this link (http://doodle.com/poll/p362z6uw9svam2f9) and this in order to receive the actual weblink and technical information in good time. You also need a computer, internet access and a head set to be able to participate.

Meeting this way and networking without traveling seems to be a good way to mitigate greenhouse gases and therefore interesting to explore further for us, which is why we want to try it out as an alternative. The aim with the webinar is also to support networks among researchers and to establish contacts between SEC-members from different countries and contexts at a time when data are being collected and preliminary analyses of the COP21-meeting and related activities are being taken.

Another rational for choosing this particular theme and the timing of the webinar is because much of previous climate change communication research has been focusing on the summits and has been nationally framed. We can therefore see opportunities and a need for further collaboration among researchers from different countries and contexts while promoting the value of comparative work, not only between countries, but also between different UN-conferences like the events at COP15 in Copenhagen in 2009.

If you would like to participate in this webinar and deliver a short presentation, please send in a 200 word abstract describing your work no later then Friday 11 Dec at 15.00. E-mail your abstract to the ECREA SEC Management Team (pieter.maeseele@uantwerpen.be and annika.egan.sjolander@umu.se). The final program will be sent out to all participants via email as well as published on the ECREA SEC-websites (http://www.ecrea.eu/divisions/section/id/16 and http://www.scienv-com.eu/) on 14 December Monday at 17.00.

Welcome to our first ECREA SEC webinar!

Annika Egan Sjölander, chair and Pieter Maeseele, vice-chair

On behalf of the ECREA SEC Management Team