Guest Professor in Organisational Communication (temporary position) at the Department of Informatics and Media, Uppsala University

The Department of Informatics and Media (IM) is part of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Uppsala University. The members of the Department develop knowledge on the current and future modes of communication and information distribution. The Department incorporates three subject areas: Information Systems (IS), Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), and Media and Communication Studies (MCS). MCS teaching is located in the Bachelor Programme in Media, Communication and Journalism Studies, 180 credits (from autumn 2017), in our one-year Journalism programme, in Digital Media and Society (a specialisation within the Master Programme in Social Sciences) and in the Master Programme Management, Communication and IT (MCIT). MCS research is structured by three thematic focal points: 1/Communication, and material and discursive power dynamics; 2/Communication, participation and empowerment; and 3/Communication, identity and difference.

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